On the Legislative Spirit of the Disregard of the Corporate Personality and its Use in Our Country The Conception of Disregard of the Corporate Personality System in China 公司人格否认原则立法精神及其在中国的适用我国公司法人人格否认制度的构建
The Legislative Shortcomings and Improvement of Compensation for Spiritual Damage Sign of Spirit 精神损害赔偿的立法缺陷和改进
All accord with the legislative background and spirit of offenses of vocational negligence since modern age. 这与近现代以来业务过失犯罪的立法背景与精神相吻合。
A nation's culture gives birth to its law and legislative spirit which is deeply rooted in the national culture. 一个民族的文化孕育了它的法和法的精神,法和法的精神深深地植根于民族文化。
At present, many drawbacks and loopholes exist in the stipulations in the Social Association law of China with regard to legislative spirit, transparency, coordination of legal system and so on. 中国目前社会团体立法在指导思想上存在偏差,对各种社会团体的归类不当,在立法内容、立法层次、立法操作性以及法律透明度以及立法体系的配套规则上也有诸多的缺陷和漏洞。
The law modernization in the last stage of Qing Dynasty means the legislative spirit and characters in liberal capitalization era. 清末的法律近代化是指法律具有自由资本主义时代法律的立法精神与特点。
Want and hold legislative spirit its really, need to divorce fault compensation theory and question that might run into among judicial practice of system make further research and discussion. 但要真正把握其立法精神,还需要对离婚过错赔偿制度的理论以及在司法实践中可能遇到的问题作进一步研究和探讨。
So legislative spirit should be discovered and understood from its culture. 因此法的精神主要应当从其文化中去发现或寻找并获得理解。
It looks like meticulous, but if you analyze with the principles of legislative spirit and procedural justice, you will find that it will bring the performance of revision of a judgement and remand for new trial in a mess in practice according to the above standards. 这种标准貌似周密,但据立法精神和程序正当原则加以分析,就会发现,将一审事实是否清楚与程序是否正当合法作为二审裁判的依据,带给司法实践的后果是改判与发回的操作混乱不堪。
The author thinks that in the judicial practice the double contracts should be recognized as valid contract according to the legislative spirit. 笔者认为在司法实践中应当本着合同法的立法精神对于阴阳合同都应当认定有效。
But some of employers twist the legislative spirit of the labor contract law, so all kind of acts of evading law happen. 但部分用人单位曲解劳动合同法的立法精神,出现各种规避劳动合同法的行为。
The two areas from the legislative and judicial expectations can set the spirit of a road traffic accident compensation legal perfect help. 上述从立法及司法两个领域着手期望能对我国道路交通事故精神损害赔偿法律完善有所帮助。
It is to corresponding laws and regulations lag, the proposal with the property law as the legislative spirit for the new legislation. 三是针对相应法律法规滞后而言,建议以《物权法》为立法精神来进行新的有关采矿权的立法。
From the theoretical basis and legislative basis, through analysis the Elements of break contract spirit indemnity and expanded explanation of the existing legislative provisions, proposed method of constructing the system. 从理论基础和立法基础出发,通过违约精神损害赔偿的构成要件分析和现有立法条文的扩张解释,提出制度的构建方法。
The Hague convention on choice court agreement is the first systematic and comprehensive the provisions of the agreement jurisdiction of the rules of the special international convention, the convention relating to agreement jurisdiction of the legislative spirit and achievements worthy of various countries to learn from. 海牙《选择法院协议公约》是第一个系统而又全面的规定协议管辖规则的专门性国际公约,该公约所蕴含的有关协议管辖的立法精神和成果是值得各个国家加以学习和借鉴的。
In this paper, in order to look forward to the help of Chinese relevant legislative we have given a more detailed exposition of the property means relief of damaging the spirit. 而且,本文对财产性救济方式中的精神损害赔偿进行了较为详尽的论述,以期待对我国相关立法有所帮助。
In one side, it ensures the value appeal of traditional common law and reflects the legislative spirit of people first; on the other side, it achieves the effective application of the limited land resources. 一方面保障了传统习惯法的价值诉求,体现人本立法精神,另一方面实现有限土地资源的有效利用。
In our legislative practice must take into account the best interests of children in the principles and spirit of the implementation and enforcement, to implement protection of the rights of our children. 在我国的立法实践中必须考虑儿童最大利益原则精神的贯彻和执行,把我国儿童权利保护落到实处。
Modern trademark legislation of our modern trademark legislation also have certain reference significance, value orientation, such as perfecting the legislation system of the priority principle, legislative practicability and operability and trademark law spirit, there is a profound impact on all. 近代商标立法对我们现代商标立法也有一定的借鉴意义,如立法体系的完善、商标在先性原则的确立、立法的实用性与可操作性以及商标法精神的价值取向,无不存在着深刻影响。